They can find you if you Jump
In one of our possible futures, an illegal immigrant (from a spacefaring universe that engaged in human experimentation and suffered a zombie apocalypse) needs to outmaneuver her bounty hunter sister without endangering either of her flatmates—one a cyborg from a universe specializing in technological modifications, the other a version of herself from a universe without the zombies—without catching the notice of the legal body that regulates and polices travel across universes and time, because none of ’em have a green card.
In other words, this is what happens when an author like me grows up both intrigued by the mirror!verses in Star Trek and wondering where all the expats from other universes are.
displaced shadows series

Coming 08.08.16!
Preorder the first three novellas—self-contained stories that’ll each take the average reader about 1–1.5 hours to read—at a special low price of only $0.99 each! See Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, or Apple.
As is usual for my work, these stories aren’t written for the Christian market, but as the titles’ oblique derivation from Scripture refers to, I’m certainly aware that these stories can appeal to Christians and non-Christians both.
And yet sometimes audiences can prefer different nuances in how themes and topics are handled or conveyed. Is that not why songs have “explicit” and “censored” editions?
I’ve long wondered why songs could do that, but not books.
So these books are going to be examples of how that concept of adjusting for audience can be applied to stories. The e-books coming out 08.08 will have both the “non-explicit” and “explicit” in the same file, giving you the option to read whichever you like.
The explicit one qualifies as that mostly on account of language that would get a movie an R rating. Rather than just “bleep” them out (which would cause some issues with one of the narrators), I’m outright revising the lines.
This modification is actually going to affect some of the themes and implications, and the non-explicit version has a very real risk of implying something that’s actually opposite of what I want to convey, so the explicit ones will be the “author’s preferred edition”. However, I know some of you readers would rather have the option, and this series looks like a good fit for it. :-)
What do you think of my splitting the story into the two editions in one e-book? Does the series premise sound interesting to you?