Well, I've had a rough year, but muscles have actually worked more often than not, for most of this year, so that's an improvement. Allergies aren't quite as bad, compared to years past. Sometimes the muscle malfunction stuff is hitting my arms or hands instead of my legs, but overall, it's been less this year. More pain instead, but at least I can feel them. It's been a year of work-arounds, pretty much.
Oh, and I've started being able to do some things again that I've not been able to. That's lovely. I'm actively using Spanish again, a little ASL, and learning modern Greek and Hebrew. (I can read and sound out Greek and have some basic vocabulary. I've just gotten to the point with the Hebrew alphabet that I can start vocabulary there, too.) Starting to sing some, too.
Writing-wise, I'm in the middle of some things to get Patreon going again, and I've been working through some life stuff that kept interfering with my writing. And I have a Star Wars fanfic series going nicely.
I'm definitely calling myself nondenominational on the religion front, these days, too. :)
How are y'all?