Just fyi, I am aware that my website's down. I'm switching hosts, and I tried to time it so the one would end as the other picked up, but… Er, yeah. Failed that one.
My new host actually costs less and gives me more perks. Once I've had them long enough to verify that they're as great as they seem to be (and as has been reported to me), I'll do a public announcement about who they are and why I'm so pleased.
For now, I will say this: There are certain things I've wanted to do for years, but I couldn't find a web host in the price range I was paying that offered me the ability to do it, and I couldn't justify paying more to be able to do something that might not work out.
I'm paying a great price for more bandwidth than I'm likely to use—with reasonable costs if I end up needing more!—with subdomain and add-on domain ability. Just the subdomain thing alone would've been enough to put me on cloud nine.
And I'll stop now, I blather too much. Here's to hoping this web host experience will be better than my last one!
ETA: My website's back up. Thanks for your patience!